Wednesday 6 July 2011

On my close friends

I visited a friend last night, and crashed at his place. Said friend is a very close friend*, and I was over there for several reasons, none of which I will be sharing.

We are close friends, and that is all. Besides the fact that I am categorically uninterested in dating/shagging/etc him, he has a girlfriend which he is very much attached to.

The fact that we are only friends (and not dating) does not mean we cannot hug each other, nor does it mean we cannot lean on one another, nor does it mean we cannot have d&m's, nor does it mean we cannot take comfort from one another's physical proximity. It just means that we are physically comfortable/mentally comfortable together. 

The fact that we are not the same gender does not mean we cannot be in the same room without a third person present, nor does it mean we cannot visit each other without there being a romantic reason, nor does it invalidate our friendship. It just means that we are different genders.

I have several other friends who are not the same gender as I am. The above goes for all of them.

I have several friends of the same** gender to me. The above goes for all of them too (removing the not*** being the same gender).

My mother, and several other people I know, seem to not get this. It’s getting to the point that it is no longer merely annoying, but actively frustrating.

*He’s one of my closest friends (if not my closest), to the point he often feels more like family than my own family. He’s also one of the very few people who have accepted me completely as I am. I’m not sure if he’ll ever realise how much that has meant to me, and continues to mean to me.

**Subject to change. I’m still working out exactly who I am.

***see above.

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